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Jewish Genealogy Society
of Cleveland

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We welcome and deeply appreciate donations to support our educational mission and efforts to remember and honor our ancestors through genealogy.  Our volunteers work hard to ensure our resources are broadly accessible.

Please submit your donation using this online form.  You will be able to note whether your donation is made “in honor of” or “in memory of” someone.  You may also donate a gift membership.  JGSC will send a note to your donee's contact email to inform them of your donation.

We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.  So your gift may be deductible for income tax purposes (EIN  #34-1648203).

Donations and gift memberships may be made online using the form below.  Please note whether your donation is “in honor of” or “in memory of” a specific person.  If you choose to write a check, make it payable to JGS of Cleveland and mail it to:

Jewish Genealogy Society of Cleveland
c/o Menorah Park
27100 Cedar Road
Beachwood, OH 44122

Recent Donors:

  • Deborah Abbott, PhD
  • Allen County Public Library
  • Anonymous
  • Marilyn Bilsky
  • Marilyn & Jon Englander in honor of Marilyn Baskin
  • Don and Fran Golden in honor of Bill Jones
  • Ruth Gove
  • Deborah A. Katz, JD, PhD
  • Robert & Linda Katz
  • Charles Lissauer, Esq in honor of Alice F. Lissauer
  • Sean Martin, PhD
  • Sharon McKellar
  • Philip Schwarz
  • Suburban Temple - Kol Ami in honor of Sylvia Abrams and Ken Bravo

Donate Here

Questions on how to donate? Check out our One-Minute How-To Video: How to make a donation to JGSC

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* Mandatory fields
*First name
*Last name
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*Amount ($USD)
Payment frequency
If in Honor, Memory of, or a Gift membership: Person's First and Last Name?
If in Honor, Memory of, or a Gift membership: Contact Email?
*Please give us permission to recognize you and your Member Name on the Donor page?

Copyright 2024.  The Jewish Genealogy Society of Cleveland, Inc. (JGSC) is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization (EIN: 34-1648203).  All Rights Reserved.