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  • 01/10/2025 2:20 PM | Ron Gallagher (Administrator)

    Vol. VIII, No. 1

    Contributor: Jennie Algee

    The number of sources needed depends on what you are trying to prove.

    The Genealogy Proof Standard says to make “reasonably exhaustive research,” meaning that we find all available records for the person. This is being as thorough and accurate as possible and is a goal toward which we should all aspire in our genealogical research.

    If you are trying to join a lineage society, there are certain requirements...

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  • 12/10/2024 4:27 PM | Ron Gallagher (Administrator)

    Vol. VII, No. 12

    Contributor: Barbara Sloan

    It's too late for me now that all the elder generation is gone, but these questions may help you in your genealogy research before it's too late. Perhaps others will add to my list. These questions are in no particular order.

    ~ Who were you named for? Who were your parents named for?

    ~ Names of grandparents and great grandparents and their dates and places of birth, death and burial.

    ~ Names of your parents' siblings and extended family and their location(s), plus spouses and children, including births, deaths, burials if applicable.

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  • 11/08/2024 10:03 AM | Ron Gallagher (Administrator)

    Vol. VII, No. 11

    Contributor: Ted Gostin

    A query was posted about a great grandfather’s travels. The poster could not find the ship and records.

    The process of finding this manifest may help others. I was able to find the arrival in less than five minutes with the information that was posted, using search utilities posted by Steve Morse and the flexibility of the search engine on

    I first tried to identify the ship using the Steve Morse utility "Ship Lists: Searching for Ships in the Ellis Island Microfilms in One Step"...

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  • 10/10/2024 5:33 PM | Ron Gallagher (Administrator)

    Vol. VII, No. 10

    Contributor: Andrea Matthews

    There's a lot you will need to do yourself even if you hire someone, and if you start with that, you might find you can save a lot of effort and money of having someone else do what you can do for free. In doing this housekeeping, you'll get more ideas about presenting and preserving the collection as well. Take your time with these tasks!!

    First, start writing up the stories that go with the objects before they get lost/forgotten, and store a copy of each with the object/group.

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  • 09/26/2024 8:51 AM | Jane Rothstein (Administrator)
    JGSC members and friends are invited to the next NEOGRT Discover! free and open discussion session via Zoom on Thursday 26 September 2024 at 7:00 PM EDT.  Please spread the word!

    NEOGRT, The North East Ohio Genealogy Round Table, an undertaking of the Ohio Genealogical Society, is composed of some 50 NEO organizations interested in genealogy.  The website attempts to list events of interest in NEO and wider, along with a curated list of links of genealogical interest.

    NEOGRT Discover! is a monthly hour of freewheeling, informative, and helpful discussion on any and all matters genealogical and related technical.  Anyone is welcome to come with their questions, brick walls, announcements, and answers.  Often there will be a short presentation of recent news at the beginning.  Guaranteed to last one hour, no more!

  • 09/11/2024 12:29 PM | Ron Gallagher (Administrator)

    Vol. VII, No. 9

    Contributor: Harvey Somers

    I became more active in Judaism when I retired to Ann Arbor and began to regularly attend services at the Beth Israel Congregation. One “loose end,” however, was never volunteering for an Aliyah, partly because I did not know my Father’s Hebrew name. I knew I was “Chaim” – but I was looking for “Chaim Ben ______.”

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  • 09/01/2024 11:05 AM | Jane Rothstein (Administrator)

    Fall Cemetery Cleanup, sponsored by Federation's Cemetery Preservation Campaign

    When: Sunday, September 22, 10am-12pm

    Where: Lansing Cemetery, 3933 E. 57th St., Cleveland, OH 44105

    Contact: Aviva Roland at, or (216) 593-2626


    Bring your weed trimmers, shovels, clippers, hedgers, gloves, wheelbarrows, and other gardening tools. Together, we’ll rake, prune, and spruce up Lansing Avenue Cemetery in preparation for the High Holidays. Project will include physical labor.

    Register Here:


    Lansing Cemetery

    3933 E. 57th St.

    Cleveland, OH 44105


    More about Lansing Cemetery:

  • 08/08/2024 1:55 PM | Ron Gallagher (Administrator)

    Vol. VII, No. 8

    Contributor: Cynthia Spikell (JGSC member)

    Soon it will be the traditional time to visit cemeteries. Perhaps when you visit the graves of loved ones, you might want to see the graves of other relatives in the same cemetery. There are aids to help you find graves whose location you do not know.

    For Cleveland Jewish graves, you can consult...

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  • 07/11/2024 11:21 AM | Ron Gallagher (Administrator)

    Vol. VII, No. 7

    Contributor: Ken Bravo (Past President of the Jewish Genealogy Society of Cleveland)

    Member Ken Bravo is the Immediate Past President of the IAJGS, and a past president of the Jewish Genealogy Society of Cleveland. He is a retired attorney who has been researching his family since the mid-1970’s.

    You may have heard the name “IAJGS” and you may know that the Cleveland Jewish Genealogy Society is a member of the IAJGS, but what is the IAJGS? It’s an acronym for the International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies. Your next question is probably what does the IAJGS do?

    The IAJGS is the umbrella organization for approximately 90 JGSs around the world. It was, according to its web page ( “…formed in 1988 to provide a common voice for issues of significance to its members, to advance our genealogical avocation and to coordinate items such as our annual International Conference on Jewish Genealogy.” Its members include...

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