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Jewish Genealogy Society
of Cleveland

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Old Jewish Cleveland and its Cemeteries with Jeffrey Morris

  • 09/04/2024
  • 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
  • Zoom


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Old Jewish Cleveland and its Cemeteries with Jeffrey Morris

Date & Time:  Wed, Sep 4, 2024 at 7:00 - 8:30 PM ET

Location:  Zoom

Program:  Jewish cemeteries offer unique genealogical information not available in non-Jewish cemeteries.  Jeff Morris will introduce us to the Jewish cemeteries of Cleveland and their development in relation to synagogues and benevolent organizations.  Learn about how to visit Jewish Cleveland cemeteries to conduct your family research and the information available and pick up Jeff’s insights on the distinctive and unexpected finds in many cemeteries.

Speaker:  Jeffrey S. Morris graduated from Cleveland Heights High School in 1974 and earned his college degree from Cleveland State University’s Maxine Levin College of Urban Studies.  He joined the Jewish Family Association (JFA) as Director of Operations after time in the Peace Corps and many years in the wholesale paper industry.  After 20 years at JFA, Jeff retired and now serves as the part-time Manager of Mayfield Cemetery in Cleveland Heights.

Jeff is a noted local author and passionate historian.  He published Beechwood the Book  (1996) detailing the transformation of Beachwood, Ohio from farmland into one of northeast Ohio’s most desirable bedroom communities. He followed this with Haymarket to the Heights (2014), which explores the movement of the Jewish community from their first house of worship in the 1840s on what is now East 9th Street to the suburbs.  He recently completed his third book The History of Jewish Cemeteries In Cleveland and Cuyahoga County.  Like his earlier work, Jeff details the history of the land ownership of the Jewish cemeteries in Cuyahoga County to understand the correlation between each cemetery and its relationship to a synagogue or benevolent organization.  He strongly believes in the importance of using primary sources to ensure that future generations have accurate information.

In 2013, Jeff was honored by the City Council and Mayor Frank Jackson with a resolution in appreciation of this volunteer work assisting the City Council of Cleveland Archives.  He now volunteers with B’nai Jeshurun to develop and manage its archive.

Registration:  All participants must register.  Members free.  Non-members $5.  A zoom link will be emailed to you the day before the program.  Registration ends at midnight on Tuesday, September 3rd.  This program will be recorded and available to JGSC members.

Copyright 2025.  The Jewish Genealogy Society of Cleveland, Inc. (JGSC) is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization (EIN: 34-1648203).  All Rights Reserved.